Orange County Jury Duty Leave Rights

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Trial by jury is a Constitutional right.

Accordingly, an employer can’t fire you for serving on a jury. You have jury duty leave rights.

Usually, you don’t have to use your vacation days for your jury time either.

If you are a salaried employee, your employer can’t make any deductions from your salary for any absence of less than one week, including time spent on jury duty.

Some employers even provide benefits while you are serving on a jury, including full pay as they recognize jury duty leave rights. Any daily payment by the court for your jury duty should be deducted from any pay you get from the employer. Check your own employee handbook or ask your Human Resources Department what provisions are made for employees on jury duty.

If it’s a tremendous financial hardship for you to serve on a jury, the court may release you or schedule you for a shorter trial.

Employees who serve as jurists are entitled to have their jobs protected. It’s only right.

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Don D. Sessions, an Orange County employment law attorney.

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