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All Employees Get 2 Breaks Daily, by Law

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: I am working as an employee as opposed to an independent contractor because I want my employer to manage my taxes each paycheck. In my verbal employment agreement, I do not receive benefits. Does my employer have to provide two 15-minute paid breaks during an eight-hour shift, as…

Vacation Pay Changes May be Improper

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: Our employee handbook states, “To receive holiday pay, an eligible employee must work the regularly scheduled workdays immediately before and after the holiday, unless the employee has received prior authorization to miss work.” I received prior written authorization from my manager to take off the Monday after the…

Proving Innocence May Cost More in Long Run

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “I worked in sales for a major corporation for over three years without incident. Nearly a year ago, my manager accused me of using a false signature on an enrollment form and wrote a letter that will stay in my personnel file for one year. “I insisted I…

Handling Unfair Boss

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “I am a staff professional who recently accepted a transfer to a new department. Within days, it was obvious that my new supervisor was mainly interested in giving direction without accepting my input and in treating me like an untrained employee. “I endured six weeks of heavy handed…

There are Limits to Criticism in the Office

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “I work for a very large corporation. At our local office we have three immediate supervisors, and two of them are making the employees’ work life very stressful to the point it is almost unbearable. They continuously make derogatory remarks about employees to other employees, threaten employees with…

Former Employer is Giving Bad References

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “I recently completed a one year assignment as a contractor with a large company. I left under what I believed to be favorable circumstances. “I recently became aware that the project manager at the company has been giving extremely negative information about me to prospective clients. I did…