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Paid Maternity Leave a Company Option

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: Our employee manual states that maternity leave is granted for birth or adoption of a child. Originally HR told me I could take time off with pay for adoption. When I asked for this information in writing, it changed to I can take time off with no pay,…

Sick Time Can be Used to Care for Spouse

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

by Patrick E. Turner Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: Can you please provide more information on using up to one half of one’s paid sick leave to care for a sick wife based on a new law? A: “The law you’re referencing is California Labor Code section 233, which was added by statute…

Dismissal Triggers Policy Questions

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: After working three months at a company, I suddenly had to go on sick leave for bladder problems and rheumatoid arthritis. After my first week, off, the company direct deposited a week’s pay into my bank account. I thought it was sick pay. Then it happened again. I…

Contract Limiting Future Career Moves is Probably Illegal

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “Recently, my company asked me to sign a contact that would severely harm my future career if I were to ever leave.” “I would not be able to work in my profession for several years, and then with very strict guidelines.” “I have repeatedly told them I would…

Broken Promises From An Employer

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney in Mission Viejo, California “A man’s word is his bond”- or so it was hoped to be for centuries. Unfortunately, many employees have found that employers do not always follow that creed. Are promises of the employer binding? What recourse does the employee have for broken promises? Promises Before Employment Promises by…

Company’s Promise on Job Switch at Issue

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

by Patrick Mortimer Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: After 19 years as a union foreman, I was asked to take a non union supervisor position. I was concerned about losing the union health insurance benefits, but management assured me health insurance funded at $3,000 a year would be put into an annuity at…