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Employers Didn’t Give Results of HIV Test

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “I have been employed by a large corporation for seven years. Recently, while having an annual physical, I was browsing through my medical records. I noticed that there were HIV test results from the date of hire. The report says the results were positive, but no one has…

Hourly Employee Told Not to Take Second Job

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Q: “As an hourly employee, does my employer have exclusive right to my services? I am told that I cannot work for another company, but I am having financial difficulty and need to work a part-time job.” A: “What you do on your own time should not be the…

Working Overtime: Overtime Pay You Thought You Never Deserved

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Orange County, California I’ve heard it many times before: “You’re salaried”; “you supervise others”; “you’ve been working overtime for too long”; or scores of other reasons-so you don’t qualify for overtime pay. Wrong!…Maybe. You might be sitting on a goldmine, but will need to know how to find it. Good Reasons for…

Job Loss Benefits

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Turn job loss defeat into victory! As an employee rights attorney, I have counseled thousands of people who have lost their jobs. Their true experiences, slightly altered to protect confidentiality, provide valuable lessons. Consider the common example of Jim, a 20?year aerospace engineer who suddenly received a pink slip because of a reduction in force….

Severance Pay: The Silver Lining of Being Terminated

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employee Rights Attorney Mission Viejo, California Severance pay may be the only good to come out of one of life’s most stressful events-termination of employment. Negotiating the best severance package requires a thorough understanding of possible issues and options. Are Employers Required to Pay? Although severance pay is not generally legally required, there are exceptions….

Wrongful Termination: Strategies to Consider If You Were Fired Unjustly

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

A 57-year-old civil engineer, who was discharged for “lack of work” following 12 years of employment, recovered $652,500 from his employer after it later hired younger, less-qualified engineers. An insurance company sales manager recovered $1,340,000 after he was forced to resign because he complained on behalf of a co-worker who was being sexually harassed, then…