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5 Dangers Caused by Too Much Overtime

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Employees working overtime can provide great benefits to employers and to themselves. Overtime allows employees to receive additional pay at a higher rate than their normal wage, and it can keep employers’ deadlines on track. However, employees who work overtime consistently and excessively can also face dangerous outcomes. The following are some of the dangers…

California Wage and Hour Laws

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

It’s crucial that you know the wage and hour laws in California so you can ensure that your employer isn’t taking advantage of you or withholding too much money from the salary you rightfully earned. This includes being familiar with laws regarding minimum wage, overtime pay, rest and lunch breaks, and working off the clock….

Are Unpaid Internships Legal In California?

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

It’s fairly common for many companies to look for unpaid interns to help do some of the more menial tasks that need to be accomplished. The typical demographic of an intern is often a student who is looking for special skills while still in school. They are generally not worried about being paid because they…

California Holiday Pay Laws

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Many people wonder if their employers are permitted to force them to work on holidays. If they insist that you clock in, are you entitled to overtime? It’s important to know the holiday compensation rules so you can ensure that all of your rights are protected. If you believe your employer is forcing you to…

New CA Law Prevents Employees From Having to Litigate Claims Outside CA

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

California has long been known as a state that offers employees some of the greatest workplace protections in the country. This results from laws allowing employees to bring claims against their employers based on issues such as discrimination, harassment, unpaid overtime, and what types of restrictions may be placed on employees (e.g. non-compete clauses). Some…

Understanding Sexual Harassment and How to Stop It May Be Easier Now Because of What Has Happened in 2016

Posted by Sessions & Kimball |

Sexual harassment has been a significant issue in 2016, touching areas from the presidential campaign to high-profile lawsuits against media moguls. And while the events of this past year are no doubt part of a trend that has gone on for decades, despite vigorous battles by courageous victims and their attorneys, their occurrence at the…